Find home improvement and gardening classes for Milwaukee, Waukesha and the surrounding counties, with a roundup of home and garden events, craft and hobby shows, local history and tours, and where to find more information:
Boerner Botanical Gardens
Education and Visitor Center is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens offer a variety of year-round classes for adults and children. Whitnall Park, 9400 Boerner Drive, Hales Corners. Garden Information: (414) 525-5601; Friends of Boerner general Information: (414) 525-5653; boernerbotanicalgardens.org
Brookfield Farmers Market
7:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays, opens May 7. Brookfield Central High School, front parking lot, 16900 Gebhardt Road, Brookfield. brookfieldfarmersmarket.com
Captain Frederick Pabst Mansion
Learn about the historic house museum dedicated to the preservation of the Pabst family legacy. Guided and self-guided tours are available. Onsite admissions are available, but advance online ticket purchase is recommended. 2000 W. Wisconsin Ave. pabstmansion.com
Charles Allis Art Museum
Dressing the Abbey exhibit, (through May 30). Costume exhibition highlights fashions from Downton Abbey. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday; noon-7 p.m. Thursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday-Sunday. 1801 N. Prospect Ave. (414) 278-8295; www.charlesallis.org
East Troy Railroad Museum
Travel on a historic rail car for dinner or a family picnic, or as a passenger on a regular day trip or holiday train. Advance reservations required. Depot, 2002 Church St., East Troy. (262) 642-3263; easttroyrr.org
- Bunny Train. April 9-10 and 16.
Ebert’s Greenhouse Village
Opens April 22, with online gardening seminar “Jump Start Your Season and Protect Your Plants” with Melinda Myers. W1795 Fox Road, Ixonia. ebertsgreenhouse.com
Fox Point Garden Club
May Market Plant Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. May 14. Purchase perennials, wildflowers and homemade baked goods. Longacre Pavilion, 7343 N. Longacre Road, Fox Point. foxpointgardenclub.com/
Fresh Coast Guardians
MMSD Rain Garden Plant Sale is pre-order only and the deadline is April 12. Plants are sold in bundles of four for $10, or $2.50 per plant, unless otherwise noted online. Pickup is June 11 at MMSD, 260 W. Seeboth St. freshcoastguardians.com
Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens
Membership includes free unlimited admission to the gardens, with discounts on classes and events. Whitnall Park, 9400 Boerner Drive, Hales Corners. (414) 525-5653.
- Art in the Garden. May 1.
Friends of the Domes
Adult education programs held at Mitchell Park Domes Education Center, 524 S. Layton Blvd. (414) 257-5608; milwaukeedomes.org
- Plant Illustration. April 16.
- Botany/History Walk in Mitchell Park. April 8.
Friends of Wehr Nature Center
Native Plant Sale, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. June 4-5. Pre-order and in-person shopping. Select from native flowers, grasses and sedges suitable for southeastern Wisconsin. Some plants will only be available by ordering in advance. Deadline for pre-order is April 29. Wehr Nature Center, 9701 W. College Ave., Franklin. (414) 425-8550; friendsofwehr.org/plantsale/
Hales Corners Public Library
Adult Crafting Club, 6 to 8 p.m. April 21; 2 to 4 p.m. March 30, April 27. A monthly gathering for those who prefer a quiet place to relax and work on crafts of all kinds. Coloring supplies will be provided. Bring your own materials for all other crafts. Free and open to the public. No registration required; however, space is limited to 10 attendees. 5885 S. 116th Street, Hales Corners. (414) 529-6150.
Historic Milwaukee
Self-guided tour maps are available, highlighting local architecture and history. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. 235 E. Michigan St. (414) 277-7795; historicmilwaukee.org
- House History class. April 10.
- Spaces & Traces guided tours. May 7.
Horicon Marsh
Wildflowers for Wildlife Native Plant Sale pre-order due by April 1. The pickup event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. May 21 with hands-on activities, bird and butterfly watching, and nature walks. Horicon Marsh Education & Visitor Center, N7725 Highway 28, Horicon. horiconmarsh.org/event/wildflowers-for-wildlife
Johnson’s Gardens
Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Garden related classes/demos/workshops. Registration required. 8504 Highway 60, Cedarburg. (262) 377-2500; jgplants.com
- Hanging Basket Sale. April 29-May 9.
Kenosha Public Market
Indoor 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays (through April 30). The Vault Banquet Hall, 625 57th St., Kenosha. kenoshapublicmarkets.com
- Outdoor market, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. May 7-Oct. 29, 625 52nd St.
Lynden Sculpture Garden
Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, (closed Thursdays). Experience art in nature with sculptures sited across 40 acres of park, lake and woodland. 2145 W. Brown Deer Road. (414) 446-8794; lyndensculpturegarden.org
Melinda Myers Virtual Gardening Seminars
Each class is designed to deepen your horticulture knowledge, enhance your gardening skills, and help you transform your landscape. The seminars are free, but registration is required. melindamyers.com
Workshops and programs. 4838 Douglas Ave., Racine. (262) 639-2040; milaegers.com
- Frost-Free Plants in a Spring Garden Bowl. March 29, 31, April 3.
- Greens to Grow. April 1.
- Jumbo Hanging Garden Basket. April 12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30.
- Spring Open House. April 21-May 1.
- Natural Cone Planter. April 26, 28.
- Living Wall. April 27.
Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory
Spring Floral Show opens April 16, (through May 30). 524 S. Layton Blvd. (414) 257-5600; milwaukeedomes.org
Monarch Trail
Plant Sale, noon to 4 p.m. May 7 and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 8. Pre-order collections, special bags and flats ahead of time online with pickup at the regular plant sale. Pre-order online at www.parkpeoplemke.org by April 20. Single plants and other monarch-related items are available on event days. Sale event is held at Greenfield Park Pavilion, 2028 S. 124th St., West Allis. For more information visit themonarchtrail.org
Nicolet Recreation Department
Register online for Summer adult enrichment classes and programs. Registration for Summer programs begins April 4. Virtual and in-person sessions are available. nicolet.us/activities/recreation.cfm
Pewaukee River Partnership
Native Plant Sale pre-order only with pickup from 9 a.m. to noon May 14. Order deadline is April 22. Plants are sold in 2.5-inch pots and are priced at $2.60 per plant; orders of 12 plants or more are $2.40 per plant. Pickup is in the Village parking lot, next to Noah’s Pizza, 220 Oakton Ave., Pewaukee. Order form is available by emailing [email protected] (enter plant sale in subject line of email), or call Charlie, (262) 443-6737.
REALTORS Home & Garden Show
Indoor and outdoor home improvement tips, with landscaping and gardening advice, cooking demonstrations and seminars, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. March 25-26; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. March 27; 4-8 p.m. March 30-31; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. April 1-2; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 3. Admission $10. Exposition Center, State Fair Park, 8200 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis. (414) 778-4929; mkehgs.com
More:Home & Garden Show returns after two years to the delight of cooped up homeowners.
Richfield Historical Society
Maple Syrup Family Day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 26. Watch the syrup process from tree tapping to evaporating. Maple syrup and maple syrup cotton candy will be available for purchase. New this year is a pancake breakfast of unlimited pancakes and maple syrup, served with sausages and a beverage from 9 to 11 a.m. for $6 per person. Richfield Historical Park, 1896 Highway 164, Richfield. For more information visit richfieldhistoricalsociety.org
- Plant Sale orders begin April 1.
Roots and Branches
Plant Sale, May 13-14. West Bend City Hall, 1115 S. Main St., West Bend. (262) 335-5083; rootsbranches.org
Spring City Garden Club of Waukesha
Plant Sale, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 4. Perennial plants, yard art and shabby chic boutique. Cash or checks preferred; credit cards accepted. St. John Neumann Catholic Church grounds, 2400 Les Paul Parkway, Waukesha. springcitygardenclub.org
Stone Bank Farm Market
Shop seasonal foods, family style meals and small-batch baked goods. N68-W33208 County Road K, Stone Bank. (262) 563-8010; stonebankmarket.com
- Bee Keeping 101. April 22.
Tower Heritage Center
Campus includes two museums and one historic site that trace the history of Washington County. 320 S. 5th Ave., West Bend. (262) 335-4678; thetowerheritagecenter.org
Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday; noon-7 p.m. Thursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday-Sunday. Renaissance Garden features foliage, flowerbeds, water features, statuary and more. 2220 N. Terrace Ave. (414) 376-9110; villaterrace.org
Waukesha County Fair Park
Spring Fair to Remember, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. April 9. Arts and crafts, door prizes, free parking. $3 admission. 3000 Pleasant Valley Road, West Bend.
West Allis Farmers Market
Opens May 7, 1 to 6 p.m. Saturdays, and noon to 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, (through Nov. 26). 6501 W. National Ave.
Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts
Events, classes and workshops for beginners to experienced fiber artists, with exhibitions of works demonstrating traditional to contemporary techniques. Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday; noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. N50-W5050 Portland Road, Cedarburg. (262) 546-0300; wiquiltmuseum.com
Please submit your event three weeks before the event or registration deadline to [email protected], with “Attention Home and Garden calendar” in the subject line.